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NEMAA – Norwegian Entertainment Managers & Agents Association is the collective voice for music managers and booking agents in Norway.


NEMAA is a non-profit association dedicated to helping grow artist manager businesses and bookingagents through education, networking and advocacy.


We work to help our members in all fields of the music business. Since managers earn money as a percentage of artist and writer income, we are heavily involved in making lives better for artists financially as well as businesswise.


NEMAA is part of the EMMA- The European Music Managers Alliance (EMMA) provides a focused and representative point of contact to engage with professional music managers across Europe, enabling constructive dialogue with the industry and policy-makers.

EMMA brings together music manager representative bodies from Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the UK – with links to allied organisations in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa. In total, EMMA collectively represents over 2,000 managers across Europe, and another 600 worldwide.

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